Jen Falk Represents Sexual Assault Client on Midland Channel 7 News

Dallas Partner Jen Falk recently appeared on CBS7 News representing a client in a Midland, Texas case involving a female student at Trinity School of Midland who was sexually assaulted by an older male student at the school over a period of several months. The allegations of assault had led to the arrest of four Trinity administrators, but those charges were dropped last week entirely because a Midland Police Department officer was deemed by the state to no longer be a credible witness.

While the criminal case was dismissed, McCathern has filed a petition on behalf of the family and will be pursuing civil litigation because it is the only chance for recourse and for our client’s voice to be heard. As stated in the petition, “This case is about a private school and four of its administrators’ flagrant disregard for the safety and wellness of one of its young female students who was sexually assaulted by an older male student over a period of several months and their overt nonobservance of Texas’s mandatory reporting laws.”