No, the Supreme Court did not say that “TRUMP TOO SMALL” is not a trademark
United States Supreme Court unanimously finds that trademarks identifying living individuals without consent are not registrable with the USPTO under the Lanham Act On Thursday, June 13, 2024, the United States Supreme Court considered a petition from a purported trademark owner seeking to register the mark TRUMP TOO SMALL. The owner’s prior attempts to obtain […]
McCathern Updates Brand to Recognize Founding Partners

In 2012 partners Levi McCathern, Carl Evans, Paul Grinke, and Arnold Shokouhi started a new partnership and named it McCathern. The group wanted to continue the legacy of legal excellence that Levi started in 1998 when he founded the original McCathern law firm and build upon that, with one new mantra: “Improving People’s Lives”. Since […]
McCathern Celebrates 22 Years of Improving People’s Lives
Today on October 1st, 2020, McCathern is celebrating 22 years of outstanding legal practice. Over the past year, McCathern’s attorneys and staff have continued to build on our legacy of providing excellent legal services and building lasting partnerships, all while upholding our simple but lofty mission of “Improving People’s Lives”. McCathern was founded on […]
Open Texas Update (Phase 1) and Summary of the Governor’s Report to Open Texas
On April 27, 2020 Governor Abbott issued his Executive Order GA-18 relating to the expanded reopening of services as part of the safe, strategic plan to Open Texas in response to the COVID- 19 disaster. Under GA-18 and the accompanying expansive guidelines in The Governor’s Report to Open Texas, the Texas Stay at Home Order […]
Coronavirus Task Force: COVID-19 Economic Relief Update
*Edited April 24, 2020 to reflect updated legislation* All of us at McCathern, PLLC realize the substantial impact COVID-19 (the “Coronavirus”) is having on many of you and your businesses. As our purpose and credo is “Improving People’s Lives” we hope this update provides a brief overview of some of the different types of economic […]
McCathern Welcomes Three New Attorneys

McCathern, PLLC recently celebrated the addition of three talented new attorneys to its practice groups. Associate attorneys Aaron Dekle, Kristin Hecker, and Michael Ricchi add a wide range of abilities to McCathern’s full suite of legal services and specialties and the firm is thrilled to have them on board. Aaron, Kristin and Michael all earned […]
McCathern Celebrates 21 Years of Outstanding Legal Practice
McCathern is celebrating 21 years of practice this month and with it the continuation of a story that has seen the business grow into a full-practice firm with reach across the country and beyond. In its third decade of existence, McCathern’s attorneys and staff are building on a legacy of providing excellent legal services and […]